Doorbell Fon
Features and Operation

The DoorBell Phone is easy to use because all you do is answer the phone when someone pushes the CALL button at the door. This inexpensive system enhances the security of any home or office. It is safer than answering the door bell and will save you walking to the door.


Door Fon Controller & Door Box

Door Strike Controller

Door Chime Interface

Door Intercom Controller
Works with or without a phone line

Connect to home phone or business phone system

Controlls two door boxes (Front and Back door)

Give distinctive ring for both front and back doors

Built in call wait gives distinctive beep while on the phone

Will ring a real door bell with Door Chime Interface

Will open door or gate with Door Strike Controller

Call out to door or gate using flash or hook flash

Switch security camera with Door Chime Interface

Works on door or gate up to 4,000 feet away


When the call button on the Door Box is pressed, all the phones in the house ring in distictive manner. On a phone system, the you can designate which phones ring.

Phones can be configured to ring 3 or 8 times

To answer the door simply pick up the phone and you will be connected to the door or gate.

Bridge a maximum of 8 Door Boxes to 1 Controller (4 on each door)

To call out to the door at ay time use flash to go between doors

To open the door press "*" and the oprional Door Strike Controller buzzes the door for 3 seconds or as long as you hold the "*" key plus 3 seconds

Use the Door Chime Interface to operate a real door bell, a buzzer or switch a security camera.

Use the the Doorbell Fon as an intercom by installing a Door Box at a desk or workstaion or use the Door Intercom Module to be able to speak between phones.